Month: May 2016

  • Danger

      When Simon was holding the rope for Joe to get down there was a lot of teamwork involved. It was very dangerous because If either Joe or Simon falls off, both of the climbers will fall and die in the crevasse. There is no metaphor in this sentence because it was literal. “Any fall…

  • Void

    “uncrossable gap had come between us” Simpson uses a Metaphor to talk about the decline in their relationship, he describes it as an uncrossable gap that developed between them. They do not work together and feel seperate like there is a gap between then, all emotional links are broken. It can not be crossed so…

  • Touching the void

    58 “I felt a moment of anxiety only minutes before Simon had fallen” Joe foreshadows anxiety of falling down the crevase. He says that he is afraid of a case of one of them falling and bringing the other with him. 150 “he was dead and I wasn’t, but that was no reason for tormenting…